Coronavirus update 


Dear Member

As mentioned at the Open meeting we continue to follow England Golf guidelines regarding tee times bookings.

The next phase of booking arrangements, from 3rd August, are as follows:

Monday to Sunday

07:30 - 12:50: 2 or 3 balls
13:00 - 18:30: 2, 3 or 4 balls

The new booking sheet will open at 4pm on Monday 27th July for bookings from 3rd August to 6th September.
After 18:30 arrangements continue as they are at present, i.e. it is turn up and play - please remember to observe social distancing protocols.
Members guests are permitted 7 days a week, from 1pm - bookable through the tee booking system.  Unfortunately the IG system does not allow us to set things up to prevent the booking of guests prior to 1pm, so please adhere to the rule.

Roll Ups

From 3rd August we will be re-introducing roll up's, however it will be in a more organised and structured way, so that we can maintain the England Golf guidelines along with social distancing and track and trace measures that are required.

Within the tee booking sheet you will notice some times where you will be unable to make bookings - these have been booked out for the established roll ups at GX and will be controlled by the roll up organiser.  Details of the roll up's can be found in the members area of the Club website.

Visitors & Societies

Since the return to golf, the club has operated on a much more exclusive basis whereby the course was reserved solely for members use, until recently when we reintroduced members guests, which has been appreciated by many members. 

As you will have heard in the Open meeting, the clubs business model does reply on a percentage of income from visiting golfers and outside catering events.  However, we recognise there is pressure on tee times and the missed golf earlier in the year.  So for now:

The earliest date for societies will be 1st October 2020
Visitors are still not permitted, but we will keep this under review

Locker Room & Trolley Store

In line with England Golf's guidelines, the locker room will remain closed until further notice, apart from toilet use.  However, some good news, the trolley store will reopen with immediate effect.  Please be aware that the door to store will remain open so you will be leaving your trolley at your own risk.  We will place a sanitiser station outside the trolley store and ask that you use the sanitiser prior to entering and on leaving the trolley store.


Adam Grint
General Manager